2022 Vol. 55, No. 2
Article Contents

CHEN Denghui, SUI Qinglin, GUO Zhouping, ZHAO Xiaojian, TEN Jiaxin, GAO Yongbao. 2022. Sedimentary Environment of Mn-bearing Carbonate from the Muhu Manganese Deposit in Malkansu, West Kunlun: Evidences from Fusulinids and C-O-Sr Isotopes. Northwestern Geology, 55(2): 1-13. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.02.001
Citation: CHEN Denghui, SUI Qinglin, GUO Zhouping, ZHAO Xiaojian, TEN Jiaxin, GAO Yongbao. 2022. Sedimentary Environment of Mn-bearing Carbonate from the Muhu Manganese Deposit in Malkansu, West Kunlun: Evidences from Fusulinids and C-O-Sr Isotopes. Northwestern Geology, 55(2): 1-13. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.02.001

Sedimentary Environment of Mn-bearing Carbonate from the Muhu Manganese Deposit in Malkansu, West Kunlun: Evidences from Fusulinids and C-O-Sr Isotopes

  • Muhu Manganese Deposit is an important typical manganese deposit in the eastern part of the Malkansu Manganese Belt. Manganese ore bodies are mainly hosted in a set of clastic-carbonate rocks. Fossils from the top of manganese-bearing rock series are mainly Quasifusulina, include Quasifusulina tennissima (Schellwien), Quasifusulina phaselus (Lee), Quasifusulina paracompacta (Chang), and two unidentified species, indicating that the geological age of the manganese-bearing strata should be the Late Carboniferous. The δ13CPDB values of surrounding rock range from -2.06‰ to 3.99‰; δ18OPDBvalues range from -13.35‰ to-7.49‰; and 87Sr/86Sr values range from 0.707 70 to 0.707 97. In contrast, the δ13CPDB values of rhodochrosite range from -16.60‰ to-1.95‰; δ18OPDB values range from -11.51‰ to-4.48‰; and 87Sr/86Sr values range from 0.707 64 to 0.707 90. Comprehensive analysis reveals that the Mn-bearing rock series in Muhuhu Manganese Deposit developed in a shallow shelf with warm, normal salinity, and relatively strong hydrodynamic force. The water column is clear, but comparatively turbid compared to carbonate platform sedimentary environment. The deposition of carbonate rocks and manganese deposits was affected by surface water, and the formation of rhodochrosite is associated with the reduction of organic matter.
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