2021 Vol. 54, No. 3
Article Contents

XUE Zhongkai, LI Pengwei, CHANG Ming, HUANG Haoqing. 2021. Comprehensive Prospecting Modeland the Geological Significance for Zhaishang Carlin-Type Gold Deposit in West Qinling. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 174-187. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.014
Citation: XUE Zhongkai, LI Pengwei, CHANG Ming, HUANG Haoqing. 2021. Comprehensive Prospecting Modeland the Geological Significance for Zhaishang Carlin-Type Gold Deposit in West Qinling. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 174-187. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.014

Comprehensive Prospecting Modeland the Geological Significance for Zhaishang Carlin-Type Gold Deposit in West Qinling

  • Zhaishang gold deposit, located in west Qinling, is one of the most important enrichment places of Carlin gold deposits in China. The orebody of Zhaishang gold deposit occurs in the interface between slate and limestone and in the fracture zone on one side of slate. The surrounding rock alteration mainly develops silicification, pyrite, arsenopyrite and limonite mineralization, which can be used as a direct indicator of ore prospecting. Controlled source audio magnetotelluric survey shows that the electrical gradient zone between H1 high resistivity anomaly and L2 low resistivity anomaly corresponds to 32 vein, indicating the great possibility of ore-bearing in the electrical gradient zone. The primary halo zoning sequence of the section is As-Mo-Sb-Ag-Cu-Bi-Au-Zn-W-Pb. The leading edge halo elements are Pb and Sb; the near ore halo elements are Au, Ag, As, W; the tail halo elements are Mo, Cu, Bi, Zn. Tail halo elements Mo and Bi are respectively in the leading edge halo and near ore halo elements, and the near ore halo element Pb is in the tail halo element position of the sequence, which indicate that the shallow orebody may be weathered and denuded, and there may be blind orebodies in the deep. A comprehensive prospecting model is established based on the geophysical and geochemical information, the geological characteristics of ore deposits, the ore-controlling factors and the prospecting criteria.The drilling verification in the south section of mine received good prospecting effect.
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