2021 Vol. 54, No. 3
Article Contents

ZHU Xueli, DONG Wangcang, LI Weicheng, CHEN Lirong. 2021. Ore-controlling Factors and Prospecting Significance of Intrusive Rocks in South Shaanxi Qinling Orogenic Belt. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 163-173. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.013
Citation: ZHU Xueli, DONG Wangcang, LI Weicheng, CHEN Lirong. 2021. Ore-controlling Factors and Prospecting Significance of Intrusive Rocks in South Shaanxi Qinling Orogenic Belt. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 163-173. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.013

Ore-controlling Factors and Prospecting Significance of Intrusive Rocks in South Shaanxi Qinling Orogenic Belt

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  • This paper determined the evolutionary sequence of intrusive rocks in south Shaanxi Qinling orogenic belt and analyzed the controlling factors of the rock type, the magmatic type, the mass scale and the element content of metallogenic rocks on the mineralization.On the basis of the relationship between ore-forming intrusions and ore deposits (bodies), the authors proposed such three metallogenic modes as intrusions in rock mass, ore-forming at rock mass margin and ore-forming at rock mass margin, which is of theoretical and practical significance for the research into the mineralization of intrusive rocks and the guidance of the prospecting work.
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