2021 Vol. 54, No. 3
Article Contents

LI Longchang, ZHANG Wei, ZOU Lin, ZHOU Juanjiao, LIU Liang, LI Shihong. 2021. Geological Characteristics and Sedimentary Environment of Chengqiangyan Phosphate Deposit in Mianzhu Area, Sichuan Province. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 142-154. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.011
Citation: LI Longchang, ZHANG Wei, ZOU Lin, ZHOU Juanjiao, LIU Liang, LI Shihong. 2021. Geological Characteristics and Sedimentary Environment of Chengqiangyan Phosphate Deposit in Mianzhu Area, Sichuan Province. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 142-154. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.011

Geological Characteristics and Sedimentary Environment of Chengqiangyan Phosphate Deposit in Mianzhu Area, Sichuan Province

More Information
  • The chengqiangyan phosphate deposit in Mianzhu area of Sichuan province is one of the famous Shifang-type phosphate deposits. The ore bearing strata are Shawozi Formation of Lower Devonian, and the occurrence of ore body is basically consistent with the stratum, being layered or quasi-bedded. The grade of P2O5 is 18.29%~35.57%, having a positive correlation with the thickness of phosphorus bearing layer. Its lithofacies assemblage is "kaolinite clay rock-aluminophosphate rock-phosphorite rock". The natural type of ore is clayey or sandy gravel phosphorite, and the industrial type is siliceous and silicate phosphorite.The correlation and cluster analysis of main components of ores show that P2O5, CaO and F are closely related; Fe2O3 and Al2O3, MgO and CO2 are also closely related; Fe2O3, Al2O3 and RE2O3 are significantly correlated.Combined with the analysis of regional metallogenic geological conditions,it is held that Sinian Mianzhu type phosphate deposit was weathered and eroded in the early Devonian, and the ore was transported to the coastal shallow sea, forming the Shifang type phosphate deposit.The values of trace elements indicate that the Chengqiangyan phosphate deposit formed in an arid oxygen-rich marginal marine environment.
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