2021 Vol. 54, No. 3
Article Contents

DUAN Xiangyi, DONG Wangcang. 2021. Geological Characteristics and Genesis of Dongyang Large Tungsten Deposit in South Qinling,Shaanxi Province. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 131-141. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.010
Citation: DUAN Xiangyi, DONG Wangcang. 2021. Geological Characteristics and Genesis of Dongyang Large Tungsten Deposit in South Qinling,Shaanxi Province. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 131-141. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.010

Geological Characteristics and Genesis of Dongyang Large Tungsten Deposit in South Qinling,Shaanxi Province

  • Dongyang large tungsten deposit in south Qinling of Shaanxi province, is an important discovery of geological prospecting in recent years. The deposit is closely related to the Yanshanian intermediate acid intrusive body, having the geological characteristics of "one ore and three types" i.e. contacting metasomatic type, magmatic hydrothermal (quartz vein) type and residual deluvial type.The contacting metasomatic tungsten ore body is controlled by the Yanshanian biotite monzogranite dolomite marble contact zone and the nearby fault zone,which is closely related to skarnization;the magmatic hydrothermal (quartz vein) type tungsten ore body is mainly filled along the nearly north-south and north-north-east fault zone; the residual deluvial type tungsten ore body mainly formed by the surface weathering and nearby accumulation of skarn type tungsten ore body.The discovery of the deposit is of practical significance for the exploration of tungsten deposits in south Qinling and in Qinling orogenic belt, which deepens the understanding that the regions of the prospecting and exploration of tungsten deposits have been expanded in the whole nation.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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