2020 Vol. 53, No. 1
Article Contents

SU Hu, CHEN Meiyuan, ZHANG Danqing, JIN Zhonge, YANG Jing. 2020. Study on the Method of Extracting Information of Mineralization Alteration by using Remote Sensing in High Vegetation Coverage Area——Taking Daqiao-Shixia Area of Xihe County, Gansu Province For Example. Northwestern Geology, 53(1): 146-161. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2020.01.013
Citation: SU Hu, CHEN Meiyuan, ZHANG Danqing, JIN Zhonge, YANG Jing. 2020. Study on the Method of Extracting Information of Mineralization Alteration by using Remote Sensing in High Vegetation Coverage Area——Taking Daqiao-Shixia Area of Xihe County, Gansu Province For Example. Northwestern Geology, 53(1): 146-161. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2020.01.013

Study on the Method of Extracting Information of Mineralization Alteration by using Remote Sensing in High Vegetation Coverage Area——Taking Daqiao-Shixia Area of Xihe County, Gansu Province For Example

  • Vegetation coverage can affect the results of remote sensing mineralization alteration information extraction in high vegetation areas. Using ETM and Aster image data in Daqiao-Shixia area in West Qinling, this study discusses the method of extracting information of remote sensing mineralization alteration while suppressing the interference of vegetation, and puts forward the a method of multi-data superposition analysis. Such methods as "mixed pixel method to eliminate interference", "multi-level separation technology to analyze band correlation", "multivariate data superposition analysis method to enhance alteration information" and "normal distribution threshold segmentation method for graded extraction" were used to extract iron staining and hydroxyl anomaly in remote sensing of the study area. The iron staining anomaly area accounts for 1.63% and the hydroxyl anomaly area accounts for 1.26%. the correlation ratio between mineral deposits and remote sensing anomalies is 45.5%. It indicates that this method is effective in extracting remote sensing mineralization alteration information in areas with high vegetation coverage, and has certain significance of ore demonstration.
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