2020 Vol. 53, No. 1
Article Contents

ZHANG Daming, ZHANG Aikui, QU Guangju, LU Dengjun, WANG Lin, DING Zhaobin, LI Youlu. 2020. Metallogenic and Prospecting Model of Kaerqueka Iron-Copper Polymetallic Deposit in Western Segment of Eastern Kunlun. Northwestern Geology, 53(1): 91-106. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2020.01.009
Citation: ZHANG Daming, ZHANG Aikui, QU Guangju, LU Dengjun, WANG Lin, DING Zhaobin, LI Youlu. 2020. Metallogenic and Prospecting Model of Kaerqueka Iron-Copper Polymetallic Deposit in Western Segment of Eastern Kunlun. Northwestern Geology, 53(1): 91-106. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2020.01.009

Metallogenic and Prospecting Model of Kaerqueka Iron-Copper Polymetallic Deposit in Western Segment of Eastern Kunlun

  • The Kaerquka iron-copper polymetallic deposit is typical of deposit in the Western section of the East Kunlun metallogenic belt. The mineralization of ore deposits is complex, but the previous research on ore deposit metallogenic model and ore prospecting model is not enough, which restricts the breakthrough in ore prospecting. By studying the characteristics of mineralization, physical and chemical conditions of mineralization, mechanism of mineralization and genesis of the deposit, the metallogenic model and prospecting model of the deposit are established in this paper. The metallogenic age of the deposit is considered to be Middle Triassic. The metallogenic materials come from magma, surrounding rock and deep granitic porphyry. Genesis of deposit includes skarn-type and hydrothermal-vein-porphyry-hydrothermal-breccia type, which belongs to two different metallogenic systems. One is skarn metallogenic system related to granite, the other is hydrothermal-vein-porphyry-hydrothermal-breccia metallogenic system related to granitic porphyry. The combination of 1/10,000 detailed geological mapping, stream sediment survey, magnetic survey, induced electrical and gravity profile survey is the best prospecting method to find this type of deposit.
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