2023 Vol. 43, No. 1
Article Contents

MA Ning, XIONG Wanlin, LONG Zulie, ZHU Junzhang, WEN Huahua, YANG Xingye, WANG Xiaomeng. Types, genesis, and formation of CO2-rich reservoirs in the Yangjiangdong Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2023, 43(1): 118-127. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2022062201
Citation: MA Ning, XIONG Wanlin, LONG Zulie, ZHU Junzhang, WEN Huahua, YANG Xingye, WANG Xiaomeng. Types, genesis, and formation of CO2-rich reservoirs in the Yangjiangdong Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2023, 43(1): 118-127. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2022062201

Types, genesis, and formation of CO2-rich reservoirs in the Yangjiangdong Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin

  • By studying the composition of the fluid wells, P-T phase diagram, crude oil biomarkers, natural gas components, isotopes and fluid inclusions of high CO2 oil and gas reservoirs in the Yangjiangdong Sag, the types, genesis, and formation of CO2-rich reservoirs were analyzed. Results show that the CO2-rich reservoirs could be divided into three types: i.e., conventional reservoir with CO2 -dissolved gas, volatile reservoir with high CO2 dissolved gas, and CO2 gas reservoirs containing dissolved hydrocarbons. The crude oil in the reservoir is mainly originated from shallow–semi-deep lake facies and semi-deep–deep lake facies in the mature stage. The hydrocarbon gas is crude oil associated, and CO2 belongs to mantle-derived inorganic gas. The charging period in EP20-A well is 12~10.7 Ma, and that of CO2 is 5.6~1.7 Ma. Two stages of crude oil charging and two stages of CO2 charging in EP20-C well were recognized. The first stage of crude oil charging is 14~6 Ma, which is the main charging period; and the second stage is 4~0 Ma. The first stage of CO2 charging period is 11~10 Ma, and the second is 5 ~1.5 Ma. The relative magnitude of CO2 charging intensity show that the CO2 gas reservoir containing dissolved hydrocarbon was formed in well EP20-C, volatile reservoir containing CO2 dissolved gas was formed in well EP20-A, and conventional reservoir containing CO2 dissolved gas was formed in well EP20-B.

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