Citation: | XU Shasha, FENG Xiuli, FENG Li, XIAO Xiao, LIU Shuang. Turbidite records since 36.6 ka at the Yingqiong continental slope in the northwest of South China Sea[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2020, 40(5): 15-24. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2019112701 |
The cores of ZK3 collected from the Yingqiong slope in the northwest of South China Sea were dated with AMS14C dating, and analyzed for grain sizes and geochemical elements. The Shakha-Landim method for discrimination of turbidity environment and the C-M diagram for turbidite deposits, are also used to recognize the turbidity sediments. Detailed discussion is devoted to the formation of turbidity current and the impacts of the climate change onto the sedimentary environment. The study shows that sediments of core ZK3 were deposited in the time of Pleistocene and Holocene since 36.6 ka. Four layers of turbidite with obvious features occur in the intervals of 7.4~8.3, 12.8~13.5, 15.5~17.2 and 18.7~20.7 m respectively, corresponding to three turbidity events during the last glacial stage. Favorable topography, abundant material supply, active sea level fluctuation and climate change are the main causes for the origin of the turbidity currents.
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Location of core ZK3
Dating results and sedimentation rate of the core ZK3
Classification of the sediments from core ZK3
Vertical variation of sediment composition and grain size parameters
C-M diagram of Core ZK3
Sea level fluctuation curve
Vertical change in element ratio and calcium carbonate content in core ZK3
Current distribution around the study area(see reference [40-41] for current model)