Citation: | LIN Wuhui, YU Kefu, WANG Yinghui, LIU Xinming, CHEN Liqi. Using uranium-series radionuclides as tools for tracing marine sedimentary processes: Source identification, sedimentation rate, and sediment resuspension[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2020, 40(1): 60-70. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2018092001 |
Radionuclides are widely used as tracers in oceanography. As the final fate of many substances, marine sediment is mainly concerned from three perspectives: source identification, sedimentation rate, and sediment resuspension. In the present study, uranium-series radionuclides (210Pb, 226Ra, 234Th, and 238U) are applied in several sea regions such as the nine typical coral reefs in the South China Sea, the Weizhou Island, the Pearl River Estuary, the Arctic Ocean, and the Southern Ocean, to study the sediment source, sedimentation rate, and sediment resuspension. Firstly, activity ratio of 226Ra to 238U was found extremely low (<0.1) in the marine sediment of coral reef regions comparing to the activity ratios (0.5~1.0) in other marine sediments and therefore, it could be used as the tool to identify the sources of marine sediments from coral reef regions in addition to other geochemical tools (Al, Ti, and REE). Secondly, the sedimentation rate (3.7±0.6 mm/a) was calculated for a sediment core taking from the coral reefs near the Weizhou Island via excess 210Pb (Constant Flux Constant Sedimentation Model, CFCS model in brief) which was lower than most figures (5 mm/a~96 mm/a) in other coastal areas of China. Finally, residual β activity of particulate 234Th (RAP234) was proposed for tracking marine sediment resuspension. The RAP234 was successfully applied in the Arctic Ocean, South China Sea, and Southern Ocean. In conclusion, the successful applications of these radioactive tracers have provided potential tools used for tracing marine sedimentary processes in addition to the ongoing toolbox.
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Typical application of radionuclides to tracing marine processes
Sampling station map of China for marine sediments and their associated 226Ra and 238U activities
Location map of the sediment core collected from the Weizhou Island, Guangxi Province and vertical profile of excess 210Pb activity with Napierian Logarithm transformation
Vertical profiles of RAP234 in Arctic Ocean (a), South China Sea (b), and Southern Ocean (c)
Vertical profies of seawater turbidity and RAP234 at station SR3 in the Arctic Ocean
Linear relationship between particulate organic carbon (POC) and RAP234 in the Arctic Ocean