Citation: | XIAO Peng, DOU Bin, TIAN Hong, LIU Hengwei, CHEN Dongcan. FEASIBILITY OF EXPLOITATION OF SUBMARINE HOT DRY ROCK IN OFFSHORE AREA[J]. Marine Geology Frontiers, 2018, 34(8): 55-60. doi: 10.16028/j.1009-2722.2018.08007 |
The dry hot rock is a kind of clean and renewable energy sources newly discovered. Current researches either domestic or abroad are mainly concentrated in inland areas and the research in the ocean area remains blank. In order to evaluate its development potential in the offshore region, the formation mechanism of the sea bottom dry hot rock is discussed in this paper from the geological perspective. And the distribution of dry hot rocks in coastal areas is also reviewed taking the resources in some typical target areas as examples. The feasibility of dry hot rock mining in offshore area is analyzed from three aspects: exploration and drilling technology of submarine mineral resources, the status of domestic energy consumption and demand, and the relation between geothermal energy and earthquake. In fact, the activities of hot dry rock mining is rare in the world and exploration data remains scarce, equipment and technology are not available so far and there need more funds for research. After a thorough review, we suggest starting resource exploration and evaluation in coastal areas; specific technology and equipment suitable for the exploration and exploitation of dry hot rocks be developed, and financial support be enhanced for research projects on marine dry hot rocks. The corporation among enterprises, research institutions and university colleges are encouraged.
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