Citation: | LIANG Yiqiang, MAO Mingfa, SONG Tao, KAN Saiqiong. Application of a New Depressant in the Flotation Separation of a Lead-zinc-sulfur Bulk Concentrate[J]. Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, 2020, 40(5): 109-115. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2020.05.014 |
A new type of depressant X33 and L3 was used for flotation separation of a lead-zinc-sulfur bulk concentrate in Yunnan. The test results show that the depressant can replace the traditional depressants in separation method for separate the lead-zinc-sulfur bulk concentrate. Its chemical process is environmentally friendly and the dosage is low. A galena-sphalerite-pyrrhotite mixed concentrate in Yunnan contains 17.35% lead, 6.76% zinc and 31.04% iron, when is separated by flotation, lead concentrate containing 64.59% lead, and lead recovery of 95.49%, 326.8 g/t silver, and silver recovery of 83.29% and 4.64% zinc; zinc concentrate containing 51.56% zinc, 3.55% lead, and zinc recovery of 64.09% was obtained; 43.4% sulfur and 78.67% sulfur recovery in the pyrite concentrate.
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Flowsheet of reagent removal test
Results of reagent removal test
Flowsheet of pyrite depressant comparison test
Results of pyrite depressant comparison test
Results of zinc sulfate dosing sequence test
Flowsheet of the kinds of zinc depressants
Results of the kinds of zinc depressant
Flowsheet of copper sulfate dosage tests
Results of copper sulfate dosage test
Flowsheet of closed-circuit test