Zhengzhou Institute of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesHost
2020 Vol. 40, No. 4
Article Contents

Rui XU, Xiaolong NAN, Guoqing JIANG, Jinning QIN, Youyu HE, Zuosheng XIONG, Biguang JIANG, Binhai WANG, Qian LI. Research Progress on Bioremediation Mechanism of Antimony Contaminated Soil[J]. Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, 2020, 40(4): 23-34. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2020.04.004
Citation: Rui XU, Xiaolong NAN, Guoqing JIANG, Jinning QIN, Youyu HE, Zuosheng XIONG, Biguang JIANG, Binhai WANG, Qian LI. Research Progress on Bioremediation Mechanism of Antimony Contaminated Soil[J]. Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, 2020, 40(4): 23-34. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2020.04.004

Research Progress on Bioremediation Mechanism of Antimony Contaminated Soil

More Information
  • Antimony (Sb) is a toxic metalloid. A large amount of Sb has been released into the soil environment as a result of its extensive use and Sb-mining activities, which causes a serious threat to the health of human beings and ecosystems. The microbial technology remediating Sb contaminated soil has been garnered considerable attention due to its environmentally friendly and low-cost. The influence of soil system characteristics on Sb behavior was discussed, especially focusing on the influence of soil physical and chemical properties on Sb migration? and? conversion. Meanwhile, the research progress of the mechanism of microbial remediation of Sb contaminated soil in recent years was reviewed, especially focusing on the microbial oxidation, reduction, adsorption and methylation. In addition, the feasibility of microbial interactions associated with the adsorption of Fe and Mn (hydr) oxides in soil system was analyzed. It can be inferred that such a technology based on Fe and Mn (hydr) oxides may be an effective method for remediation of Sb contaminated soil.
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