Citation: | WANG Zhenhua, DENG Hui, ZHANG Yongjun. 2024. Stability Evaluation Method and Protection Countermeasure of Compacted Fill Slope Based on Improvement of Ultimate Shear Strength. Northwestern Geology, 57(4): 262-270. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2024046 |
Compaction degree is an important factor affecting the stability of the fill slope. In order to analyze the stability of the fill slope under different compaction degree, the working conditions of the fill slope under different compaction degree were designed, and the constitutive relationship model of the compacted soil was analyzed and established. Based on the finite element strength reduction theory, the deformation and failure trend were analyzed and the ultimate shear strength was determined. Using the Bishop method to calculate the forces on both sides of the soil strip, without considering the lateral deformation of the soil, the stability coefficient of the slope and the settlement deformation value caused by the external stress of the fill soil were calculated. Based on the calculation results, stability protection measures for the fill slope were proposed. The results show that the proposed analysis method can accurately analyze the deformation of fill slopes, effectively reduce stability analysis errors, and apply it to the stability analysis of actual fill slopes, which has practical application significance.
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Geological plan of construction site filling slope engineering
Engineering geological profile of site fill slope section
Comparison of maximum vertical settlement values under different compaction degrees
Comparison of maximum horizontal negative displacement of fill slope under different compaction degrees
Comparison of maximum horizontal positive displacement of fill slope under different compaction degrees
Loess fill slope with 80% compaction
Loess fill slope with a compaction degree of 90%
Loess fill slope with a compaction degree of 95%