Citation: | LUO Xudong, HAN Dongwei, ZHANG Fanggui, ZHANG Bin, FENG Xue, CHEN Qingqing. 2024. Reservoir Characteristics and Favorable Areas of the Karamay Formation in the Mahu 446 Well District. Northwestern Geology, 57(5): 166-180. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023198 |
The Karamay Formation in the Mahu 446 well district is an important oil-producing layer in the Karamay oilfield. However, the unclear characterization of favorable sandstone bodies in the Upper Karamay Formation has constrained further exploration and development in this area. This paper provides sedimentary facies distribution characteristics and seismic inversion methods to characterize the favorable sandbodies in the T2k22 section of the Upper Karamay Formation in the 446 well area, based on a re-understanding of the sedimentary reservoir and geophysical response characteristics of favorable sandstone bodies in the Upper Karamay Formation. The research suggests that this area belongs to a braided river delta front subfacies sedimentation, which can be mainly divided into four sedimentary microfacies: underwater distributary channels, inter-distributary bays, mouth bars, and sheet sands. The T2k22 section of underwater distributary channels is the most developed and is the primary favorable reservoir development section in this area. The overall provenance of the T2k22 section comes from the northwest, with the central channels being the most developed and having the most favorable sedimentary background. The pseudo-acoustic impedance seismic inversion method has a good effect on identifying T2k22 sandbodies, with the impedance boundary at
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(a) Exploration results and (b) well location distribution of the Upper Karamay Formation in the 446 well area in the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin
Characteristics of the T2k22 braided river delta front channel sand in the Upper Karamay Formation of Mahu 201 well
Characteristics of the interchannel quiet-water sediments in the T2k24 braided river delta front of the Upper Karamay Formation in well K89
Comprehensive columnar chart of Mahu 31 single well
Logging response characteristics of various sedimentary microfacies in the study area
Cross-section map of sedimentary facies of the Upper Karamay Formation T2k22 in the study area
(a) Sand-to-ground ratio contour map and (b) sedimentary facies plan map of the Upper Karamay Formation T2k22 in the study area
Sensitivity comparison of acoustic impedance and pseudo-acoustic impedance to favorable sandbodies
(a) Amplitude attribute and (b) RT pseudo-impedance attribute slice of favorable sandbodies in the Upper Karamay Formation T2k22
Plan position map of lithological traps in the Upper Karamay Formation T2k22 of the Triassic in the study area
Inversion and sandstone body comparison cross-section across Mahu 054-Mahu 028 wells