2023 Vol. 56, No. 3
Article Contents

WANG Yingwei, ZHANG Yafeng, QIAN Xinyu, YANG Yunjun, CUI Jigang, YOU Jun, BIAN Xiaowei. 2023. Dynamic Evolution of Eco−geological Pattern: Taking Danjiangyuan Area of Central Line Project of South−to−North Water Diversion. Northwestern Geology, 56(3): 129-140. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023083
Citation: WANG Yingwei, ZHANG Yafeng, QIAN Xinyu, YANG Yunjun, CUI Jigang, YOU Jun, BIAN Xiaowei. 2023. Dynamic Evolution of Eco−geological Pattern: Taking Danjiangyuan Area of Central Line Project of South−to−North Water Diversion. Northwestern Geology, 56(3): 129-140. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023083

Dynamic Evolution of Eco−geological Pattern: Taking Danjiangyuan Area of Central Line Project of South−to−North Water Diversion

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  • Taking Danjiangyuan area of central line project of south–to–north water diversion as the research area, the eco–geological characteristics of typical eco–critical zones in different geological formation were combed by slope survey. This paper extracts remote sensing data from 2000 to 2020 to interpret land use types and analyze the spatial and temporal evolution of land use and the evolution characteristics of landscape pattern with the help of ENVI 5.3, ArcGIS 10.2 and Fragstats4.2 software. The results show that each geological formation forms different landforms, soil parent material, soil types and hydrological types in vertical influenced by the structural geology setting. Different eco–geological patterns have been formed under the comprehensive influence of the above site conditions. The proportion of forest land is absolutely dominant, with forest land and arable land accounting for more than 85%, while the proportion of other land types is low. The types of land use changed significantly from the year of 2000 to 2020. Water area, cultivated land and construction land have changed dramatically. There are frequent transfers between natural landscapes and artificial landscapes in the area, and land use changes have less disturbance to the ecological environment. Forest and cultivated land are the main land use types of water source land for a long time, which directly affect their ecological and environmental effects. From 2000 to 2020, the landscape spatial pattern changed significantly, especially from 2010 to 2020, the landscape ecological process was more active. The patch types in the area tend to be distributed regularly and in a balanced trend, with good connectivity between patch types, the degree of landscape aggregation gradually increases, and the spatial distribution tends to be concentrated. The construction of central line project of south–to–north water diversion has further guaranteed the stable growth of the forest land base and water area in the study area, and the ecological trend in Danjiangyuan area is improving. Water transfer projects, urbanization construction and resettlement of protected water source areas have resulted in a substantial increase in construction land in the area, with grassland degradation and arable land reduction. It is suggested that rational allocation of land resources, optimization of land use structure, strengthening of forest land and cultivated land protection and ecological compensation will be conducive to the sustainable development of social economy and ecological environment in Danjiangyuan area.

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