2023 Vol. 56, No. 4
Article Contents

JIANG Shan, SHI Shaoshan, GUO Changlai, FENG Yulin, SUN Jiaquan, SUN Xiubo, ZHOU Li. 2023. NDVI Changes of the Daling River Basin in Growing Seasons During 1998~2019 and Its Correlation with Temperature and Precipitation. Northwestern Geology, 56(4): 254-262. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2022026
Citation: JIANG Shan, SHI Shaoshan, GUO Changlai, FENG Yulin, SUN Jiaquan, SUN Xiubo, ZHOU Li. 2023. NDVI Changes of the Daling River Basin in Growing Seasons During 1998~2019 and Its Correlation with Temperature and Precipitation. Northwestern Geology, 56(4): 254-262. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2022026

NDVI Changes of the Daling River Basin in Growing Seasons During 1998~2019 and Its Correlation with Temperature and Precipitation

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  • Based on the data of 9 national meteorological stations and SPOT/VEGETATION NDVI data from 1998 to 2019, In this paper, trend analysis, partial correlation analysis and complex correlation analysis were used to study the temporal and spatial evolution of NDVI and its relationship with air temperature and precipitation in the Daling river basin in the past 22 years, and the following conclusions were drawn:① The overall vegetation coverage in the study area improved in the past 22 years, and NDVI increased in 90.8% of the area, with different trends in different seasons. The growth rate of NDVI was the highest in summer and the lowest in spring. ② In the upper reaches of Daling River, NDVI increased slowly and steadily, while in the middle and lower reaches, NDVI increased and decreased simultaneously. ③ In the study area, NDVI was negatively correlated with air temperature but positively correlated with precipitation, and the relationship between NDVI and annual precipitation was closer. ④ In the study area, 4.33% of the total area was driven by precipitation, 0.03% by air temperature, and 2.73% by precipitation and air temperature.

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