2022 Vol. 41, No. 1
Article Contents

WANG Chenggang, XIANG Wenshuai, LI Fulin, WANG Jianxiong, WU Fafu, LI Yong. Stratigraphic divisions and their stratigraphic framework and correlation in Northeast Africa[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2022, 41(1): 99-118. doi: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2022.01.008
Citation: WANG Chenggang, XIANG Wenshuai, LI Fulin, WANG Jianxiong, WU Fafu, LI Yong. Stratigraphic divisions and their stratigraphic framework and correlation in Northeast Africa[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2022, 41(1): 99-118. doi: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2022.01.008

Stratigraphic divisions and their stratigraphic framework and correlation in Northeast Africa

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  • The East African orogenic belt, one of the most well-exposed Precambrian orogenic belts in the world, is rich of mineral resources. Based on study of a large number of literature about Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia, the study area is divided into SaharaStratigraphic Superregion, East Africa Stratigraphic Superregion and East Gonwana Stratigraphic Superregion, which include Nukheila stratigraphic region, Zalingei stratigraphic region, Bayuda stratigraphic region, Muglad-Kosti stratigraphic region, Nubian stratigraphic region, Mozambique stratigraphic region. Two of the eight stratigraphic regions are furtherly classified into thirteen stratigraphic divisions, such as Cabgaba terrane, Gebeit terrane, Haya terrane, Barka terrane, Hagar terrane, Adobha Abiy terrane, Nacfa terrane, White Nile rift basin, Butana base, Ingessana-Gambela base, Dodola-Moyale base, Bule Nile-Atbara rift basin and Main Ethiopia rift basin. Then, the lithostratigraphic units in each stratigraphic region or stratigraphic division were sorted out, and stratigraphic framework was stablished with the predecessors' results about isotopic chronostratigraphy and biostratigraphy. Based on comparison and analysis of the material composition, structural characteristics and sedimentary environment of the stratigraphic divisions, we summarize the sediment responsibility to geological events, discuss about the paleo-geomorphic in study area during the Mesozoic, and analyze the areas with prospecting potential.

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