2024 Vol. 51, No. 2
Article Contents

REN Rui, CHAO Xu, ZHANG Lijun, ZHI Qian, XU Cuiling, LING Dandan, MA Yumei, CHEN Jiping, QIAO Xinxing, DU Shaoxi. 2024. Establishment and application of evaluation system for development and utilization of selenium−rich land: A case study in Lintong District, Xi'an[J]. Geology in China, 51(2): 676-688. doi: 10.12029/gc20230813003
Citation: REN Rui, CHAO Xu, ZHANG Lijun, ZHI Qian, XU Cuiling, LING Dandan, MA Yumei, CHEN Jiping, QIAO Xinxing, DU Shaoxi. 2024. Establishment and application of evaluation system for development and utilization of selenium−rich land: A case study in Lintong District, Xi'an[J]. Geology in China, 51(2): 676-688. doi: 10.12029/gc20230813003

Establishment and application of evaluation system for development and utilization of selenium−rich land: A case study in Lintong District, Xi'an

    Fund Project: Supported by Shaanxi Province Public Welfare Geological Survey Projects (No.202201, No.20180307).
More Information
  • Author Bio: REN Rui, female, born in 1984, senior engineer, mainly engaged in agricultural geology, health geological survey and research; E-mail: 877529793@qq.com
  • Corresponding author: DU Shaoxi, male, born in 1970, senior engineer, mainly engaged in mineral geology, health geological survey and research; E-mail: 603107975@qq.com.
  • This paper is the result of agricultural geological survey engineering.


    Selenium (Se) intake in the human body primarily originates from the food chain, mostly derived from soil. The research aims to establish a scientific and rational evaluation system for the development and utilization of selenium−rich land due to the limited and valuable selenium−enriched soil resources in China.


    This study focuses on the Guanzhong region, particularly Lintong District, integrating geophysical survey findings with assessment criteria reflecting agricultural land's natural conditions and infrastructure levels. The developed evaluation system encompasses five major categories and twelve indicators, including site conditions, soil selenium content, physicochemical properties, soil quality, and land management. Moreover, suitability assessment for selenium-rich land development and utilization was conducted in Lintong District as a case study.


    The land in Lintong District was categorized into five levels: highly suitable, suitable, moderately unsuitable, unsuitable, and highly unsuitable. The highly suitable and suitable development areas covered 248.35 km2, mainly distributed in the northern areas of Lintong District, as Xinshi Town, Liyang Town, Xuyang Town, Xiangqiao Town, and the central-eastern parts of Hezhai Town. Analysis of wheat Se content and Se enrichment ratios within different suitability evaluation zones revealed a strong correlation between the suitability of selenium-rich land and the degree of selenium enrichment in wheat.


    The developed evaluation system demonstrates significant scientific guidance and exemplary significance for the utilization of selenium−rich land resources. It underscores the need for a systematic approach to efficiently develop and utilize these resources, emphasizing the critical link between soil suitability and the selenium enrichment of agricultural produce.

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