2024 Vol. 51, No. 1
Article Contents

HUANG Kuan, ZHANG Wanyi, WANG Fengxiang, LUAN Zhuoran, HU Yalu, CHEN Ji, FANG Yuan, SONG Zefeng, WANG Jian. 2024. Development status of underground space energy storage at home and abroad and geological survey suggestions[J]. Geology in China, 51(1): 105-117. doi: 10.12029/gc20230331001
Citation: HUANG Kuan, ZHANG Wanyi, WANG Fengxiang, LUAN Zhuoran, HU Yalu, CHEN Ji, FANG Yuan, SONG Zefeng, WANG Jian. 2024. Development status of underground space energy storage at home and abroad and geological survey suggestions[J]. Geology in China, 51(1): 105-117. doi: 10.12029/gc20230331001

Development status of underground space energy storage at home and abroad and geological survey suggestions

    Fund Project: Supported by Hebei Province Innovation Ability Promotion Plan Project (No.21567628H).
More Information
  • Author Bio: HUANG Kuan, male, born in 1999, graduate student, majors in resources and environment, engaged in mineral prospecting and exploration research; E-mail: huangk022@163.com
  • Corresponding author: WANG Fengxiang, male, born in 1984, assistant researcher, engaged in the study of large−super large deposits; E-mail: wfx0316@163.com
  • This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.


    In the modern energy system, energy reserve plays an important role. Strengthening the energy reserve system, ensuring stable energy supply, and handling the impact of various emergencies in the international and domestic energy markets are an important topic in China's energy development.


    Based on the types of underground space storage facilities, combined with the construction of global underground space storage facilities and related research experiments, this paper deeply compares and analyzes the development status of oil and gas storage in the world and China, so as to put forward reasonable suggestions to ensure energy security.


    (1) The utilization of underground space for energy storage is an important direction of future energy storage maintenance. This is an effective way to peak regulation of natural gas, sustainable supply of renewable energy and efficient use of hydrogen on a large scale. The development of underground space energy storage is a key issue to achieve carbon neutrality and upgrade China's energy structure; (2) Global underground space energy storage facilities can be divided into five categories: salt cavern, water-sealed cavern, aquifer, depleted oil and gas reservoir and abandoned mine; (3) The construction of underground space energy storage facilities was carried out earlier in foreign countries, which should take the lead in the construction of underground energy storage power stations, underground hydrogen storage facilities, oil reserves and natural gas reserves.


    In the complex international background, China's energy security faces severe challenges. It is imperative to investigate the energy storage capacity of underground space, establish more underground space storage facilities and carry out national underground storage planning together with related enterprises.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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