Citation: | LIU Lin, WANG Dazhao, CHEN Aizhang, CAI Xiongwei. 2024. Distribution, occurrence and exploration prospect of associated rare earth elements in Yichang phosphate deposit, Hubei Province[J]. Geology in China, 51(2): 525-546. doi: 10.12029/gc20221027003 |
This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
The Yichang phosphate ore in Hubei Province contains associated rare earth elements. Studying their distribution patterns and occurrence states is of significant importance for the recycling and utilization of rare earth elements. Additionally, the comprehensive utilization of associated minerals is expected to become a crucial source for future rare earth ores.
This study primarily focuses on rare earth−containing phosphate rocks. Based on systematic sampling, analyses including rock and mineral identification, whole−rock geochemical analysis, XRD diffraction analysis, SEM observation, and LA−ICP−MS testing are carried out.
The total rare earth element content (ΣREE+Y) in phosphate rock ranges from 63.5×10−6 to 271.8×10−6. There are variations in rare earth element contents among different layers or rock types of phosphate rock.
The content of rare earth elements is notably controlled by rock types, with an increase from dolomite → dolomitic phosphorite → dense massive phosphorite → argillaceous banded phosphorite to mudstone. Trace elements compositions reflect the ancient climate of the Yichang phosphate deposits, characterized mainly by a dry and hot climate, with a slightly warm and humid characteristic in the northwest. Ce anomaly, V/Ni and Y/Ho ratio reflect the oxidation of seawater conditions from the bottom to the top, corresponding to the the Ph22 to the Ph13 phosphogenesis periods. The total rare earth elements content in the Yichang phosphate deposit are relatively low, and mudstone has higher content compared to phosphate rocks, indicating a higher concentration of adsorbed rare earth elements than the isomorphic rare earth elements. The rare earth resources associated with the Yichang phosphate deposit can be comprehensively recovered using appropriate technologies, holding significant importance for the rational utilization of the Yichang phosphate ore resources and economic development.
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Regional geological tectonic map of Yichang phosphate deposit (modified from Liu Lin and Cai Xiongwei, 2018)
Histogram of phosphate rock series in Yichang phosphate deposit (modified from Yang Gangzhong et al., 2008)
Lithofacies palaeogeography map of Doushantuo period in Western Hubei (modified from Yang Zhonggang et al., 2010)
Field geological features of phosphate rocks
Microscopic characteristics of collophanite
Mineral characteristics of phosphorite under scanning electron microscope
X−ray diffraction intensity pattern of phosphate rock and phosphorous mudstone
CaO, MaO, SiO2 and Al2O3 vs. P2O5 diagrams of major elements in phosphorite
Diagrams of rare earth elements in phosphorite (The legend is the same as Fig. 8)
Discrimination diagrams of deposition environment for phosphorite (The legend is the same as Fig. 8)
PAAS standardized distribution diagram of rare earth elements of phosphorite (PAAS standardization data after Taylor and McLennan, 1985)
Chondrite standardized distribution diagram of rare earth elements of collophanite, apatite and calcite (Chondrite standardized data after Sun and McDonough, 1989)