Citation: | WANG Jiawei, ZHU Yusheng. 2019. A discussion on marginal metallogenesis[J]. Geology in China, 46(1): 77-86. doi: 10.12029/gc20190105 |
"Geological interface" is the boundary of various geological units in the earth's crust. It clarifies the contact relationship between geological bodies, and usually also a geological space where the deposit is formed."Metallogenic interface" refers to the place where mineralization occurs and geological interface with the deposit."Marginal metallogenesis" clarifies the occurrence of mineralization at the metallogenic interface and its evolution process, ore-forming material enrichment and post-mineralization preservation process. According to the differences in geological and metallogenic processes, the metallogenic interface can be divided into 9 groups. Metallogenic interfaces are the most easily recognizable and direct indications for prospecting, and constitute one of the theoretical bases of scientific prospecting, and summarize the law of mineralization.
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Metallogenic interface of the same tectonic fault system- ore-forming fluid infiltration and mineralization in the Yuchong gold deposit, Henan Province
Tectonic movement stress-illustration of marginal metallogenesis
Geological section along No. 28 exploration line of Huangshan east deposit
Metallogenic interface map of the Haidartan mercuryantimony deposit in Kyrgyzstan
Marginal metallogenesis map of No. 024 exploration line section of Baimianshan tin-zinc sulfide deposit
Sketch diagram of the location relationship between basic rocks and deposits (orebodies) in the Panzhihua vanadium-titanium magnetite ore district
Geological and spatial relationship between lithofacies zonation and orebody distribution of iron-magnesium magma intrusion in Panzhihua vanadium-titanium magnetite ore district
Schematic diagram of metallogenic interface sedimentary bauxite in corroded depression of North China