2018 Vol. 45, No. S2
Article Contents

LI Chengzhu, MA Hongyun, WU Yaoguo. 2018. An Inorganic Index Dataset of Groundwater in the Guanzhong Basin (2015)[J]. Geology in China, 45(S2): 23-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2018Z203
Citation: LI Chengzhu, MA Hongyun, WU Yaoguo. 2018. An Inorganic Index Dataset of Groundwater in the Guanzhong Basin (2015)[J]. Geology in China, 45(S2): 23-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2018Z203

An Inorganic Index Dataset of Groundwater in the Guanzhong Basin (2015)

    Fund Project: National Public Welfare Project titled " Investigation and Evaluation of Groundwater Contamination of the Ordos Basin" (12120114056201)
More Information
  • Author Bio: LI Chengzhu, male, born in 1978, research associate, doctoral candidate, mainly engages in the research of surface subsidence and groundwater contamination, E-mail: lingyusmart@163.com
  • This dataset contains information about the locations and sampling layers of 200 groundwater samples taken in the Guanzhong Basin in 2015 as well as test results of 33 inorganic geochemical components. According to a comprehensive water quality evaluation, the samples above, if classified by water quality level, include 10 blank samples, 2 class-Ⅱ samples, 57 class-Ⅲ samples, 56 class-Ⅳ samples, and 75 class-Ⅴ samples. If classified by water quality type, they include 111 fresh water samples, 71 brackish water samples, and 8 saline water samples. Samples were taken in compliance with procedures. Test results were obtained in qualified laboratory tests, so the obtained data was of a reliable quality. From the margin to the center of the Guanzhong Basin, the hydrochemical types of groundwater change from HCO3-Ca to HCO3-Ca·Mg·Na and then to SO4·Cl-Na, presenting a distinct horizontal zoning character pattern. According to the water quality evaluation, the groundwater quality is poor in Guanzhong Basin at this time, with 68.9% of the groundwater unfit for drinking. Class Ⅱ and Ⅲ water is mainly distributed in some areas to the south, west, and north of the Guanzhong Basin. Class Ⅳ water is mainly distributed around the Weihe River, and in Gaoling County, Jingyang County, and Qian County. Class Ⅴ water is mainly distributed throughout the counties of Dali, Pucheng, Fuping, Sanyuan and Liquan, Yanliang District and surrounding areas of Xianyang City. This dataset will provide a geochemical indicator reference for studying the cyclical evolution of groundwater in the Guanzhong Basin.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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