2021 Vol. 4, No. 3
Article Contents

Li-he Yin, Dan-dan Xu, Wu-hui Jia, Xin-xin Zhang, Jun Zhang, 2021. Responses of phreatophyte transpiration to falling water table in hyper-arid and arid regions, Northwest China, China Geology, 4, 410-420. doi: 10.31035/cg2021052
Citation: Li-he Yin, Dan-dan Xu, Wu-hui Jia, Xin-xin Zhang, Jun Zhang, 2021. Responses of phreatophyte transpiration to falling water table in hyper-arid and arid regions, Northwest China, China Geology, 4, 410-420. doi: 10.31035/cg2021052

Responses of phreatophyte transpiration to falling water table in hyper-arid and arid regions, Northwest China

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  • Quantitative assessment of the impact of groundwater depletion on phreatophytes in (hyper-) arid regions is key to sustainable groundwater management. However, a parsimonious model for predicting the response of phreatophytes to a decrease of the water table is lacking. A variable saturated flow model, HYDRUS-1D, was used to numerically assess the influences of depth to the water table (DWT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP) on transpiration of groundwater-dependent vegetation in (hyper-) arid regions of northwest China. An exponential relationship is found for the normalized transpiration (a ratio of transpiration at a certain DWT to transpiration at 1 m depth, Ta*) with increasing DWT, while a positive linear relationship is identified between Ta* and annual precipitation. Sensitivity analysis shows that the model is insensitive to parameters, such as saturated soil hydraulic conductivity and water stress parameters, indicated by an insignificant variation (less than 20% in most cases) under ± 50% changes of these parameters. Based on these two relationships, a universal model has been developed to predict the response of phreatophyte transpiration to groundwater drawdown for (hyper-) arid regions using MAP only. The estimated Ta* from the model is reasonable by comparing with published measured values.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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