2020 Vol. 3, No. 4
Article Contents

Jian-ming Gong, Jing Liao, Jie Liang, Bao-hua Lei, Jian-wen Chen, Muhammad Khalid, Syed Waseem Haider, Ming Meng, 2020. Exploration prospects of oil and gas in the Northwestern part of the Offshore Indus Basin, Pakistan, China Geology, 3, 633-642. doi: 10.31035/cg2020051
Citation: Jian-ming Gong, Jing Liao, Jie Liang, Bao-hua Lei, Jian-wen Chen, Muhammad Khalid, Syed Waseem Haider, Ming Meng, 2020. Exploration prospects of oil and gas in the Northwestern part of the Offshore Indus Basin, Pakistan, China Geology, 3, 633-642. doi: 10.31035/cg2020051

Exploration prospects of oil and gas in the Northwestern part of the Offshore Indus Basin, Pakistan

More Information
  • Oil and gas resources are short in Pakistan and no commercially viable oil and gas sources have been yet discovered in its offshore areas up to now. In this study, the onshore-offshore stratigraphic correlation and seismic data interpretation were conducted to determine the oil and gas resource potential in the Offshore Indus Basin, Pakistan. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the results and previous data, it is considered that the Cretaceous may widely exist and three sets of source rocks may be developed in the Offshore Indus Basin. The presence of Miocene mudstones has been proven by drilling to be high-quality source rocks, while the Cretaceous and Paleocene–Eocene mudstones are potential source rocks. Tectonic-lithologic traps are developed in the northwestern part of the basin affected by the strike-slip faults along Murray Ridge. Furthermore, the Cretaceous and Paleocene–Eocene source rocks are thick and are slightly affected by volcanic activities. Therefore, it can be inferred that the northwestern part of Offshore Indus Basin enjoys good prospects of oil and gas resources.

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