2022 Vol. 55, No. 3
Article Contents

ZHANG Zixiang, LI Wenxin. 2022. Comparative Study on Prediction Methods of Mine Inflow—A Case Study of Dazhuang Coal Mine in Gansu Province. Northwestern Geology, 55(3): 355-360. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.03.030
Citation: ZHANG Zixiang, LI Wenxin. 2022. Comparative Study on Prediction Methods of Mine Inflow—A Case Study of Dazhuang Coal Mine in Gansu Province. Northwestern Geology, 55(3): 355-360. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.03.030

Comparative Study on Prediction Methods of Mine Inflow—A Case Study of Dazhuang Coal Mine in Gansu Province

  • Mine inflow is the main basis of mine design, production, drainage system and water prevention and control measures.It is very important to choose the prediction method of water inflow.This paper adopted the method, corridor method, analogy method in the coal mine water inflow of Dazhuang colliery was calculated, and the error analysis and the actual location of the mine, the results show that:①George Hal and library sargent empirical formula and the smaller the radius of influence of general many, cause water inflow slants big, calculation results is not applicable in practice.②Comparison method is more accurate than analytical method in mine production stage.③It is recommended to use the measured influence radius in the analytic method to predict the inflow of water. If it cannot be obtained, it is recommended to use the formula of runoff recharge module to calculate the reference influence radius.④In the analytical method, if the existing in the production of the mine water inflow data, can consider to use big well method, water corridor method formula reverse radius of influence, on the basis of the calculation of mine water inflow, if supply condition is poor, mainly consume storage production mine, the mine water inflow of unsteady flow calculation suggest suitable boundary conditions were first introduced in theis formula to predict water inflow.
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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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