2022 Vol. 55, No. 3
Article Contents

GU Yanjing, ZHANG Baotao, LI Xiaojun, HU Zhaoguo, WANG Xiaoyu, ZHANG Qiushi, CAO Qichen, GUO Wei, ZHAO Xiaobo. 2022. Discussion on Helium Resource Accumulation Mechanism in Huagou Area of Jiyang Depression: Taking Well Hua 501 as an Example. Northwestern Geology, 55(3): 257-266. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.03.020
Citation: GU Yanjing, ZHANG Baotao, LI Xiaojun, HU Zhaoguo, WANG Xiaoyu, ZHANG Qiushi, CAO Qichen, GUO Wei, ZHAO Xiaobo. 2022. Discussion on Helium Resource Accumulation Mechanism in Huagou Area of Jiyang Depression: Taking Well Hua 501 as an Example. Northwestern Geology, 55(3): 257-266. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.03.020

Discussion on Helium Resource Accumulation Mechanism in Huagou Area of Jiyang Depression: Taking Well Hua 501 as an Example

  • The Huagou area is the main distribution area for helium-rich natural gas resources in the Jiyang Depression. Many natural gas wells in the area show helium anomalies, among which Well Hua 501 is the most typical, with a helium content as high as 2.08%~3.08%. Based on geological, seismic, gravity, aeromagnetic, testing and other data, this study took Well Hua 501 as an example to systematically analyze the source of helium, migration channels and trap conditions in the study area. Tibetan main control factors. The study believes that:the helium gas in the Huagou area belongs to the mixed inorganic genesis type of crust and mantle, and the volcanic-magmatic activity since the Paleogene has been strong, providing sufficient gas sources; connected to form the main channel for helium migration; due to the multi-stage tectonic movement, various types of traps have developed. Based on this, it is inferred that the deep Cenozoic magmatic activity is active and the related series of trap development areas connected with the Huagou-gaoqing fault are favorable target areas for helium accumulation in the study area.
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