2022 Vol. 55, No. 2
Article Contents

ZHANG Zhaowei, LI Wenyuan, FENG Chengyou, WANG Hui, WANG Yalei, WU Junjie, LI Dexian, LÜ Xinbiao, ZHU Bopeng, HUI Bo, LIU Huiwen. 2022. Study on Metallogenic Regularity of Co-Ni Deposits in China and Its Efficient Exploration Techniques. Northwestern Geology, 55(2): 14-34. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.02.002
Citation: ZHANG Zhaowei, LI Wenyuan, FENG Chengyou, WANG Hui, WANG Yalei, WU Junjie, LI Dexian, LÜ Xinbiao, ZHU Bopeng, HUI Bo, LIU Huiwen. 2022. Study on Metallogenic Regularity of Co-Ni Deposits in China and Its Efficient Exploration Techniques. Northwestern Geology, 55(2): 14-34. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.02.002

Study on Metallogenic Regularity of Co-Ni Deposits in China and Its Efficient Exploration Techniques

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  • Cobalt and nickel are global strategic critical minerals, which are of great strategic significance to the national economy, national security, and technological development. Existing cobalt and nickel resource reserves are relatively low in China, and more than 90% of the cobalt and nickel raw materials are imported, which brings major safety risks to the supply of strategic critical mineral resources. Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen the study of cobalt-nickel mineralization regularity, to develop efficient exploration technology, and to search the new continuous resources. There are various types of cobalt-bearing deposits in China, especially with the discovery of cobalt mineralization (such as cobalt-copper deposits in meta-sedimentary rock in the Liaoning-Jilin belt and associated cobalt deposits in the Sanjiang belt), which shows great prospecting potential. However, the occurrence status, enrichment mechanism, and metallogenic potential of cobalt-nickel in different types of deposits are still unclear. The lack of prospecting models and efficient exploration techniques has greatly restricted the development of cobalt-nickel resources. Based on the comprehensive research of the cobalt-nickel supernormal enrichment mechanism, mineralization regularity, and exploration technology, this paper intends to solve two major problems. One is the scientific problem about the multi-layer interaction in the cobalt-nickel super-concentration mechanism during the continental accumulation-dispersion process, the other is the technical problem about the acquisition, processing, and multi-parameter interpretation for the high-precision gravity, magnetic, electrical, seismic, and geophysical prospecting data in the air-groud-well. This work could reveal the metallogenic potential of cobalt-nickel mineral resources, determine new prospecting targets, support the strategic mineral prospecting operations, and enhance the ability to ensure the safe supply of cobalt-nickel mineral resources in China.
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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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