2022 Vol. 55, No. 1
Article Contents

YANG Hequn, ZHAO Guobin, JIANG Hanbing, GU Pingyang, WEN Zhiliang, LI Zonghui. 2022. Discussion on the Metallogenic Series of Mineral Deposits in the Metallogenic Belt of West Qinling, China. Northwestern Geology, 55(1): 114-128. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.01.009
Citation: YANG Hequn, ZHAO Guobin, JIANG Hanbing, GU Pingyang, WEN Zhiliang, LI Zonghui. 2022. Discussion on the Metallogenic Series of Mineral Deposits in the Metallogenic Belt of West Qinling, China. Northwestern Geology, 55(1): 114-128. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2022.01.009

Discussion on the Metallogenic Series of Mineral Deposits in the Metallogenic Belt of West Qinling, China

  • Metallogenic series of mineral deposits in the metallogenic belt of west Qinling can be summarized in 11 aspects:①Early Paleozoic sedimentation related to Mo-V-Mn-P-stonecoal-limestone metallogenic series of mineral deposits.②Late Paleozoic sedimentation related to Pb-Zn-Fe-P-limestone-dolostone-gypsum-coal-clay-inkstone metallogenic series of mineral deposits. ③Late Paleozoic magmatism related to Cu-Pb-Zn-Sn-Cr facing ultrabasic rock metallogenic series of mineral deposits.④Mesozoic sedimentation related to dolostone-limestone-coal-oil shale metallogenic series of mineral deposits.⑤Mesozoic metamorphism related to marble-andalusite-facing hornfels metallogenic series of mineral deposits.⑥Mesozoic magmatism related to Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag- Mo-W-Sn-Sb-As facing granite metallogenic series of mineral deposits.⑦Mesozoic fluidization related to Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Sb-Hg-S metallogenic series of mineral deposits. ⑧Late fluidization related to Mesozoic- Early Cenozoic Au-U metallogenic series of mineral deposits. ⑨Cenozoic sedimentation related to gold placer-wolfram placer-loess- gypsum-salt-peat metallogenic series of mineral deposits. ⑩Cenozoic hypergenesis related to Fe-Pb-Zn metallogenic series of mineral deposits. B11 Cenozoic fluidization related to groundwater-mineral spring water-geothermal water metallogenic series of mineral deposits.
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