2021 Vol. 54, No. 3
Article Contents

DANG Xueya, GU Xiaofan, ZENG Qingming. 2021. Prospect, Development and Utilization of the Mineral Water Resources in Qaidam Basin. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 213-221. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.018
Citation: DANG Xueya, GU Xiaofan, ZENG Qingming. 2021. Prospect, Development and Utilization of the Mineral Water Resources in Qaidam Basin. Northwestern Geology, 54(3): 213-221. doi: 10.19751/j.cnki.61-1149/p.2021.03.018

Prospect, Development and Utilization of the Mineral Water Resources in Qaidam Basin

  • The test of 7 kinds of mineral water shows that groundwater from Qaidam Basin is rich in many trace elements beneficial to the health of human body.The content of Sr meets the requirements of drinking water standard (GB8537-2018). In some areas,both Sr and Li-or-Sr TDS have reached the standard; in some other areas where Sr is qualified, the content of Li and Zn is not qualified yet but with higher measurements.Compared with the universal quality standards for mineral water, groundwater from Qaidam Basin has high Sr content, up-to-the-standard composition, and good developing prospect.The groundwater environment in most areas of Qaidam Basin is less disturbed by human beings, and maintains a natural pure state.The preferable mining targets, wide-open space, the electricity supply and the convenient and fast means of transport make it a high-quality drinking water industrial base.At present, the investigation and evaluation can be carried out in groundwater resources of Dachaidan, Wulan,Duran,Delingha,Golmud and 10 other places.
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