Professional Committee of Rock and Mineral Testing Technology of the Geological Society of China, National Geological Experiment and Testing CenterHost
2021 Vol. 40, No. 3
Article Contents

LIU Wei, HU Jun-dong, YANG Hong-xia, CHEN Jun-liang. Research Progress on Elemental Speciation Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Hyphenated Techniques[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2021, 40(3): 327-339. doi: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202006110089
Citation: LIU Wei, HU Jun-dong, YANG Hong-xia, CHEN Jun-liang. Research Progress on Elemental Speciation Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Hyphenated Techniques[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2021, 40(3): 327-339. doi: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202006110089

Research Progress on Elemental Speciation Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Hyphenated Techniques


    As a highly sensitive analytical technique, ICP-MS has been widely used in the analysis of trace inorganic elements. Combined with chromatographic separation technology, it provides a powerful detection tool for elemental speciation analysis.


    To summarize the research progress of elemental speciation analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry hyphenated techniques.


    The main methods of elemental speciation analysis by ICP-MS hyphenated techniques were summarized and compared. The methods included: (1) Gas chromatography coupled with ICP-MS (GC-ICP-MS). (2) Capillary electrophoresis coupled with ICP-MS (CE-ICP-MS). (3) Ion chromatography coupled with ICP-MS (IC-ICP-MS). (4) High performance liquid chromatography coupled with ICP-MS (HPLC-ICP-MS). The main application fields of elemental speciation analysis in China were biomedical field, food and drug safety monitoring and ecoenvironmental geochemistry.


    GC-ICP-MS has high sensitivity and is suitable for volatile samples, its application is thus limited. CE-ICP-MS has fast analysis and high separation efficiency, but the limitation of sample injection volume makes the method detection limitation high. IC-ICP-MS mainly analyzes anions, cations and small molecular polar compounds. It is a useful complement to HPLC, but the mobile phase containing inorganic salts may block the sampling cone. HPLC-ICP-MS has been the most widely used technology in speciation analysis because of its wide application fields and simple technology.


    Sample preparation research for complex matrices, preparing standard materials, and developing simultaneous multi-element speciation analysis methods are the research direction of elemental speciation analysis.

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