2023 Vol. 56, No. 4
Article Contents

CHEN Huaqing, ZHANG Tianliang, GONG Huishan, XU Youning, ZHOU Jianwei. 2023. Research Progress of Aluminum−Phase Secondary Minerals and Their Environmental Significance in Acid Mine Water. Northwestern Geology, 56(4): 141-151. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023129
Citation: CHEN Huaqing, ZHANG Tianliang, GONG Huishan, XU Youning, ZHOU Jianwei. 2023. Research Progress of Aluminum−Phase Secondary Minerals and Their Environmental Significance in Acid Mine Water. Northwestern Geology, 56(4): 141-151. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023129

Research Progress of Aluminum−Phase Secondary Minerals and Their Environmental Significance in Acid Mine Water

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  • Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a difficult point in the prevention and control of environmental pollution in sulfide ore deposits, has attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad. Numerous scholars have studied secondary minerals in AMD in different mining areas. In order to understand the formation and evolution of secondary minerals in AMD, it provides scientific basis for AMD pollution prevention and control. This paper briefly reviews the types of secondary minerals, the formation order of secondary minerals, and the formation, characteristics, environmental hazards and significance of secondary minerals in aluminum phase in AMD under different environments. There are currently three main types of secondary minerals associated with AMD, including: iron−phase secondary minerals, aluminum−phase secondary minerals and other−phase secondary minerals. The pH, Eh and temperature in AMD have a controlling effect on the formation of secondary minerals. Fe− and Al−phase secondary minerals have strong adsorption capacity for several metals in AMD, which can achieve a certain degree of water self−purification. At present, due to the high formation conditions of AMD and unstable mineral phases, there are limited research results on aluminum−phase secondary minerals and “acidic white water” in AMD. Therefore, the study of aluminum−phase secondary minerals and “acidic white water” can better analyze the formation and evolution mechanism of acidic sulfonated water and acidic white water in rivers in the stone coal mines area of Haoping river basin from the perspective of prevention and control, as well as the geochemical process of heavy metal adsorption by aluminum−phase secondary minerals.

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