2023 Vol. 56, No. 3
Article Contents

LIU Feng, ZHANG Maosheng, DONG Ying, DING Weiqiang, ZHANG Xu, MA Jun. 2023. Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geological Disasters in Yulin City Based on the Records from 1984 to 2022. Northwestern Geology, 56(3): 204-213. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023102
Citation: LIU Feng, ZHANG Maosheng, DONG Ying, DING Weiqiang, ZHANG Xu, MA Jun. 2023. Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geological Disasters in Yulin City Based on the Records from 1984 to 2022. Northwestern Geology, 56(3): 204-213. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023102

Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geological Disasters in Yulin City Based on the Records from 1984 to 2022

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  • The study of the spatial and temporal distribution of geological disasters is an important basis for formulating geological disaster prevention plans and implementing disaster prevention and mitigation measures. This paper systematically analyzes 527 sets of geological disaster data recorded in Yulin City from 1984 to 2022. The spatial and temporal distribution rules of geological disasters in Yulin City has been summarized. Spatially, the geological disasters in Yulin City mainly occur in Qingjian, Zizhou, Mizhi Counties, and are mainly distributed in the earth−rock mountainous areas along the Yellow River and the loess hilly and gully areas. In terms of time, the number of geological disasters takes 5 years as a cycle, the flood season is frequent, concentrated on July 11~15, the freeze−thaw period is evenly distributed and the number of deaths is the largest. The more the number of disasters and deaths, the longer the return period. Zizhou County had the highest annual probability of death from geological disasters, 16.5%, followed by Mizhi County, 9.8%, and Fugu County, 5.6%. Therefore, the following suggestions are put forward: ① Strengthen the quantitative relationship between rainfall in flood season and the probability of geological disasters, and improve the meteorological warning threshold of geological disasters. ② Strengthen the study of freeze−thaw mechanism and establish a freeze−thaw geological disaster prevention plan. ③ Strengthen the research on the dual control mechanism of "risk point + risk area".

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