2023 Vol. 29, No. 6
Article Contents

DANG Feipeng, LYU Chuan, TANG Xiangsheng, ZHANG Yong, XIAO Zhibin, LI Zhipeng, TANG Junyang, ZHANG Tao. 2023. Geochronology and petrogeochemical characteristics of U-bearing granites in the Dongshang deposit, northwestern Jiangxi, China and its geological significance. Journal of Geomechanics, 29(6): 898-914. doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023028
Citation: DANG Feipeng, LYU Chuan, TANG Xiangsheng, ZHANG Yong, XIAO Zhibin, LI Zhipeng, TANG Junyang, ZHANG Tao. 2023. Geochronology and petrogeochemical characteristics of U-bearing granites in the Dongshang deposit, northwestern Jiangxi, China and its geological significance. Journal of Geomechanics, 29(6): 898-914. doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023028

Geochronology and petrogeochemical characteristics of U-bearing granites in the Dongshang deposit, northwestern Jiangxi, China and its geological significance

    Fund Project: This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 42062006 and 42273028), the Open-access Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Resources and Environment(Grant No. 2020NRE08), and the Project of the China Nuclear Geology (Grants No. 202231 and 202028-2)
More Information
  • The Dongshang Uranium Deposit is situated in the southern section of the Ganfang Pluton in the Jiuling Orogenic Belt of northwestern Jiangxi Province. The U-bearing granites consist mainly of medium- to coarse-grained, porphyritic biotite(binary) granite. Through zircon and monazite U-Pb geochronology, petrology, and rock geochemistry studies, the U-bearing granites' age, source characteristics, and rock genesis were determined, and their uranium metallogenic potential was also discussed. The LA-ICP-MS analysis showed that the zircon U-Pb intercept and weighted average ages are both 152±1 Ma, and the monazite U-Pb intercept and weighted average ages are 151±1 Ma and 151±2 Ma, respectively, indicating the formation of the U-bearing granites during the early Yanshan period. The major elements exhibit the characteristic of high silica content (SiO2 ranging from 72.1% to 75.6%), high alkalis content (K2O+Na2O ranging from 7.26% to 8.43%), potassium-rich and sodium-poor (K2O/Na2O=1.07 to 1.42), high aluminum (A/CNK=1.12 to 1.29), low titanium content (TiO2 ranging from 0.07% to 0.17%), and iron-poor magnesium (FeOT ranging from 0.75% to 1.28%, MgO ranging from 0.19% to 0.31%), classifying the U-bearing granites as high potassium calcalkaline peraluminous granites. Trace elements Ba, Sr, Nb, and Ti are depleted, while Rb, U, Pb, and Ta are enriched, representing a typical low Ba, Sr granite. The total rare earth elements (ΣREE) are relatively low (∑REE=21.6×10−6 to 50.7×10−6), exhibiting a right-dipping light rare earth enrichment pattern with a prominent negative Eu anomaly, which belongs to S-type granites. Based on geochronology and rock geochemical features, it's suggested that the Dongshang U-bearing granites were formed during the syn-collision compressional setting, resulting from the partial melting of the muscovite-rich metapelites of the Anlelin Formation in the Neoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group. High uranium content, high Rb/Sr ratios, Th/U ratios less than 3, and high zircon uranium contents indicate the potential for uranium ore-forming conditions within these granites.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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