2023 Vol. 50, No. 2
Article Contents

ZHANG Sen, JU Nan, WU Yue, GUO Changlai, MA Wei, ZHOU Yongheng, ZHANG Yanfei. 2023. Distribution characteristics, main types and exploration and development status of beryllium deposit[J]. Geology in China, 50(2): 410-424. doi: 10.12029/gc20210723002
Citation: ZHANG Sen, JU Nan, WU Yue, GUO Changlai, MA Wei, ZHOU Yongheng, ZHANG Yanfei. 2023. Distribution characteristics, main types and exploration and development status of beryllium deposit[J]. Geology in China, 50(2): 410-424. doi: 10.12029/gc20210723002

Distribution characteristics, main types and exploration and development status of beryllium deposit

    Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.42102087), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.2022M712966) and Construction of Bulk Mineral Database on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (No.2021QZKK0304)
More Information
  • Author Bio: ZHANG Sen, male, born in 1983, master, senior engineer, mainly engaged in metallogenic law, metallogenic prediction and uranium deposit investigation; E-mail: zhangsen556@163.com
  • Corresponding author: JU Nan, male, born in 1986, doctor, senior engineer, engaged in solid mineral survey and research; E-mail: junan-cgs@qq.com 
  • This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.


    As the lightest alkaline earth metal, beryllium has become an excellent functional and structural material. Due to its special physical and chemical characteristics such as density, stiffness and melting point, it has great scientific and economic value for researching the genetic mechanism, exploration and development.


    In this paper, the characteristics, genesis and exploration technology of typical beryllium deposits in the domestic and overseas are systematically sorted out and summarized. The metallogenic rules are summarized from time and space scales by means of similarity and analogy, and the exploration, development and utilization suggestions are also put forward.


    Beryllium deposits can be divided into endogenous and exogenous types. Exogenous beryllium deposits can be subdivided into different deposit types related to weathering or metamorphism. According to the alkali-aluminum properties of magma system, endogenous beryllium deposits can be subdivided into peraluminous, metaluminous and peralkaline metallogenic systems. According to the fluid evolution stage, it can be subdivided into magma type, pegmatite type and magma hydrothermal type.


    From the perspective of metallogenic age, the beryllium mineralization in either peraluminous, metaluminous or peralkaline systems is concentrated in the Mesozoic. Yanshanian is the main metallogenic period of beryllium deposits. From the perspective of metallogenic structure background, the magma type is often produced in post-collision environments, the magmatic hydrothermal type is produced on the continental margin, and the pegmatite type is basically produced in the orogenic belt. Beryllium is one of the new materials, which will play an important role in energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon neutralization in the future. Research on comprehensive utilization and recovery technology of beryllium deposits should be strengthened.

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