2021 Vol. 48, No. 2
Article Contents

ZHANG Liankai, JI Hongbing, LIU Xiuming, WEI Xiao, LUO Gang, WANG Shijie, NGUYEN Dại Trung, NGUYEN Quoc Dinh. 2021. Genetic mechanism and elemental evolution of weathering laterite crust overlying carbonate rocks in tropical areas[J]. Geology in China, 48(2): 651-660. doi: 10.12029/gc20210221
Citation: ZHANG Liankai, JI Hongbing, LIU Xiuming, WEI Xiao, LUO Gang, WANG Shijie, NGUYEN Dại Trung, NGUYEN Quoc Dinh. 2021. Genetic mechanism and elemental evolution of weathering laterite crust overlying carbonate rocks in tropical areas[J]. Geology in China, 48(2): 651-660. doi: 10.12029/gc20210221

Genetic mechanism and elemental evolution of weathering laterite crust overlying carbonate rocks in tropical areas

    Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (41473122), National Basic Research Program (2013CB956700), National Key Research and Development Program (2017YFC0406104), and China Geological Survey (DD20190502)
More Information
  • Author Bio: ZHANG Liankai, male, born in 1981, doctor, associate researcher, engaged in the study of karst environment and geology; E-mail: zhangliankai@karst.ac.cn
  • Corresponding author: JI Hongbing, male, born in 1966, professor, engaged in the study and education of environmental geochemistry; E-mail: ji.hongbing@hotmail.com 
  • The study on the geochemical evolution of elements in the red weathering crust in tropical karst area is helpful to the understanding of the theory of weathering and soil-forming of carbonate rocks. Two typical weathering profiles of carbonate rocks in northern Vietnam were selected to analyze the material source and evolution characteristics of major elements in the red weathering crust overburden of carbonate rocks under tropical climate conditions. The results show that regardless of the element ratio analysis of Ti/Zr, the element pair covariant analysis of Hf-Zr, Nb-Ta and Sm-Nd, or the normalized analysis of the average value of upper crustal elements (UCC), the weathering crust of the two profiles all show the character of in-situ residual, that is, the two profiles are weathering products of carbonate rocks in situ. In the weathering process of carbonate rocks, the leaching of CaO and MgO is obvious, and the enrichment of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 occurs, indicating that both sections have undergone a strong weathering process, but the dolomite and limestone sections have certain differentiation. The weathering profile of dolomite stone in northern Vietnam exhibits a stable Ti-Fe co-enrichment from the bedrock to the topsoil, while the growth rate of Fe in the limestone profile is significantly higher than that of Ti. The crust over dolomite stone underwent intense weathering process. Though its desilication was weaker than that of limestone weathering profile, its aluminum enrichment was much stronger than that of limestone profile. The evolution law of migration coefficient indicates that the components of feldspar (potassium feldspar, sodium feldspar, etc.) or secondary minerals (illite, etc.) in the two profiles were gradually decomposed in the process of weathering, while the stable elements such as Al, Fe and Si were continuously enriched in the weathering profiles.

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