2020 Vol. 47, No. 5
Article Contents

WANG Mingjian, ZHANG Yong, PAN Jun, HUANG Long, CHEN Xiaohong, LUO Di, HOU Fanghui, SHANG Luning. 2020. Geological structure of the large section in eastern China's sea areas and its constraint on comprehensive stratigraphic division[J]. Geology in China, 47(5): 1474-1485. doi: 10.12029/gc20200513
Citation: WANG Mingjian, ZHANG Yong, PAN Jun, HUANG Long, CHEN Xiaohong, LUO Di, HOU Fanghui, SHANG Luning. 2020. Geological structure of the large section in eastern China's sea areas and its constraint on comprehensive stratigraphic division[J]. Geology in China, 47(5): 1474-1485. doi: 10.12029/gc20200513

Geological structure of the large section in eastern China's sea areas and its constraint on comprehensive stratigraphic division

    Fund Project: Supported by the Project of China Geological Suvey (No. DD20160137, No. DD20190205, No. DD20190208) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.41606079)
More Information
  • Author Bio: WANG Mingjian, male, bom in 1983, senior engineer, mainly engages in marine geology,E-mail:wangmingjian0328@qq.com.
  • Corresponding author: ZHANG Yong. male, bom in 1970, senior researcher, mainly engages in marine regional geological survey and research; E-mail:qimgzy@163.com 
  • Based on the geophysical and geophysical data collected in recent years,the authors carried out the joint gravity- magnetic-seismic inversion in eastern China's sea areas and studied the characteristics of the basement and geological structure of each structural unit systematically. Constrained by the joint interpretation,the authors carried out the unified sea-land stratigraphic regionalization and predicted the favorable oil- bearing prospective areas of Mesozoic. The basement of the East China Sea shelf basin is composed of Proterozoic and Paleozoic strata,and 5 sets of tectonic layers are developed in the caprock. The south Yellow Sea basin having dual basement and caprock feature can be divided into 8 tectonic layers. The East China Sea shelf basin is dominated by the late Mesozoic Yanshanian transformation. The lower tectonic layer of the Yellow Sea basin is mainly characterized by extrusion deformation while the middle tectonic layer is mainly characterized by multiple structural styles formed by extension. The depth of the Moho surface is stable in the study area,which is usually about 30 km. The upper mantle is slightly elevated in the Wunansha-middle uplift. The Moho depth in the East China Sea shelf basin is generally deeper than that in the South Yellow Sea Basin—Sulu orogenic belt. Eastern China's sea areas and their adjacent areas can be divided into 2 first level stratigraphic regions (Eurasian),6 second level stratigraphic regions and 14 third level stratigraphic regions. The study of large cross- section stratigraphic structure reveals that the Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata are widely developed in south Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. The thick Meso-Paleozoic strata provide a rich material basis for oil and gas formation and accumulation.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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